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Book Reviews

For years now, I've been promising to put a catalog of my collection of computer books, with reviews, online. I went through some effort to put my entire computer book catalog into a database on my home system. I even began writing reviews of some of them.

The problem is that the task was big. Other projects got in the way. I keep reading more books. The job market has been a roller coaster. And, basically, I never go around to it. So now I'm going to take a different approach. I've started a web log on my site. One of the things I'll be writing is book reviews. The first reviews I put up will be for books I've read recently. Later, the reviews will be a mixture of new books I read and older reviews that I finally get around to writing.

Before you ask. No, I don't actually think I have any great insight into these books and that you must agree with my opinion. However, there are a lot of programming books out there and according to Sturgeon's law 90% of everything is crap. Anything that saves someone from spending money on one of those is worth the effort.

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