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12 Utility Functions and Classes

In order to make the ThinAir classes function properly, some utility code is needed. This section describes these utilities.

12.1 The Secure Hash Algorithm

The SHARandGen classes require SHA code to implement. The SHA code I used was written by Peter C. Gutmann and released into the public domain in 1992. These functions are implemented in the files sha.c and sha.h. Also included with the SHA code is a program shatest.c that verifies the code was compiled correctly.

12.2 The Modulus Arithmetic Functions

In implementing the explicit modulus versions of the various congruential PRNGs, I found problems with any modulus that is relatively prime to 232. I also found that some combinations of multiplier and modulus would even overflow doubles. I wrote add and multiply functions that properly dealt with the modulus based on algorithms suggested by Rick Hoselton.

The modulus arithmetic functions are implemented in the files modarith.h and modarith.cpp. This is not a general library of modulus-based arithmetic. I only implemented what I needed.

unsigned long      mod_add( unsigned long a, unsigned long b, unsigned long mod )

Adds the two numbers a and b in the mod modulus field.

unsigned long      mod_mult( unsigned long a, unsigned long b, unsigned long mod )

Multiplies the two numbers a and b in the mod modulus field.

unsigned long      mod_invert( unsigned long num, unsigned long mod )

Finds the multiplicative inverse of num in the mod modulus field.

mod_result      mod_add_c( unsigned long a, unsigned long b, unsigned long mod )

Adds the two numbers a and b in the mod modulus field returning both the result and the quotient of the modulus operation.

mod_result      mod_mult_c( unsigned long a, unsigned long b, unsigned long mod )

Multiplies the two numbers a and b in the mod modulus field returning both the result and the quotient of the modulus operation.

mod_result      mod_add_c( unsigned long a, unsigned long b )

Adds the two numbers a and b in the 232 modulus field returning both the result and the quotient of the modulus operation.

mod_result      mod_mult_c( unsigned long a, unsigned long b )

Multiplies the two numbers a and b in the 232 modulus field returning both the result and the quotient of the modulus operation.

In order to keep these functions from being too slow, I spent a small amount of time profiling and optimizing the C code. I did not convert these routines to assembly language because I wanted the code to remain as portable as possible. The optimizations used should reduce the inefficiencies in the code in a compiler-independent way. Obviously the actual effects of the optimizations depends on the compiler used, but the current code should always be faster than the obvious implementation. The code also has the advantage that it returns the right answer even if it is slower than the more obvious floating point solution.

12.3 The RingBuffer class

Some of the PRNGs in the ThinAir library must store several old values of the generator. After coding this functionality by hand a couple of times, I realized the a ring buffer class was in order. The RingBuffer class is implemented in the files ringbuff.h and ringbuff.cpp. This class is not as full-featured as I would have normally liked. However, I felt that a small class, with less overhead would be more useful to ThinAir. This class implements a rotating buffer of unsigned long integers.

The constructors for the RingBuffer class have the following prototype:

explicit      RingBuffer( unsigned size )

Creates a rotating buffer containing size elements.

RingBuffer( const RingBuffer &rhs );

Copy constructor for the RingBuffer class.

The public interface for the RingBuffer class supports writing to and reading from the buffer. In the spirit of the STL, this class also can create an iterator object which allows the programmer to retain multiple entry points into the buffer. The public interface for RingBuffer is shown below.

void      Init();

Initialize the ring buffer's insertion cursor.

unsigned      max_size() const;

Returns the size of the ring buffer.

unsigned      size() const;

Returns the current number of entries in the ring buffer.

unsigned      empty() const;

Returns true if the ring buffer is empty.

void      add( unsigned long val );

Add a new value at the current insertion point.

RingBuffer      &operator=( const RingBuffer &rhs );

Assignment operator for the RingBuff class.

iterator      MakeIterator( unsigned index );

Return an iterator that points to position index in the ring buffer.

iterator      begin();

Return an iterator that points to the beginning of the data in the ring buffer.

iterator      end();

Return an iterator that points after the end of the data in the ring buffer.

void      Print( ostream &os ) const;

Write the current ring buffer to os.

void      Read( istream &is );

Read the current ring buffer from is.

The RingBuffer's iterator has all of the functionality you would expect from an iterator. The iterator's public interface is shown below.


Default constructor.

iterator( const iterator &rhs );

Copy constructor.

unsigned      Index() const;

Returns my index into the ring buffer.

const unsigned long      &operator *() const;

Return the value pointed to by this iterator in the ring buffer.

unsigned long      &operator *();

Return the lvalue of the position pointed to by this iterator in the ring buffer.

iterator      operator++();

Preincrement the iterator.

iterator      operator++( int );

Postincrement the iterator.

iterator      operator-{

-();} Predecrement the iterator.

iterator      operator-{

-( int );} Postdecrement the iterator.

iterator      &operator=( const iterator &rhs );

Assign a new iterator to the current iterator.

bool      operator==( const iterator &rhs );

Tests two iterators for equality.

bool      operator!=( const iterator &rhs );

Tests two iterators for inequality.

For further information, contact G. Wade Johnson (gwadej@anomaly.org).

© 1997 G. Wade Johnson. All rights reserved.